15 March 2024

Roundtables & Hands-on Sessions

25 February 2025
Paper Emersions. Pop-up books, games and ephemera (Milan)

Itinerant meetings (Turin-Milan-Trento)

12 December 2024
Paper Emersions. Pop-up books, games and ephemera (Turin)

Itinerant meetings (Turin-Milan-Trento)

25 November 2024
Paleocibernetica: La preistoria immaginata dalla realtà virtuale
17 November 2024
FILMMAKER EXPANDED 2024: Gradi di Libertà
17 October 2024
La filosofia dell’arte di Dino Formaggio. Nove lezioni in realtà aumentata
17 September 2024
Immersive recipes. A virtual buffet

dissemination: public event


Roundtables & Hands-on Sessions


To register, fill out this form or send an email to ilaria.ampollini@unimi.it


The ERC AN-ICON research project (ERC Advanced Grant An-Iconology: History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images) is devoted to the investigation of an-icons, namely those images which tend to negate their ontological nature, by phenomenologically presenting themselves as environments or as objects within the physical space. Advancement in theoretical and historical research has led us to a much better understanding of what environmental images are. However, do we know enough about what we can do with them? This workshop aims at exploring concrete applications of Extended Reality (XR) – namely Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed realities (VR, AR, MR) – within a wide range of professional fields and contexts.



XR in its various forms can be used by different actors, for different scopes, and to address different audiences. It represents a very promising resource for many professionals, for education and training, not to mention commercial purposes or risk assessment and management. In order to explore as widely as possible XR uses, we have invited experts coming from heterogenous backgrounds (e. g. museums; education; surgery), to discuss together about both their potentialities and criticalities. We are especially interested in investigating certain issues, e.g. How does the design process take place with XR? Are there specific features of these technologies not to be found in other tools? Are they to be considered either in continuity or discontinuity with respect to other devices? In short, why should we use them in so many areas and what are the outcomes of their proliferation? We will try to propose some possible answers to such questions by experimenting with the XR instruments that specialists use in their work. Finally, we will discuss with them issues of functionality and economic constraints, as well as current and future trends that might help us to envision the next developments in the field.


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dissemination: public event


Roundtables & Hands-on Sessions

Roundtables & Hands-on Sessions


To register, fill out this form or send an email to ilaria.ampollini@unimi.it


The ERC AN-ICON research project (ERC Advanced Grant An-Iconology: History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images) is devoted to the investigation of an-icons, namely those images which tend to negate their ontological nature, by phenomenologically presenting themselves as environments or as objects within the physical space. Advancement in theoretical and historical research has led us to a much better understanding of what environmental images are. However, do we know enough about what we can do with them? This workshop aims at exploring concrete applications of Extended Reality (XR) – namely Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed realities (VR, AR, MR) – within a wide range of professional fields and contexts.



XR in its various forms can be used by different actors, for different scopes, and to address different audiences. It represents a very promising resource for many professionals, for education and training, not to mention commercial purposes or risk assessment and management. In order to explore as widely as possible XR uses, we have invited experts coming from heterogenous backgrounds (e. g. museums; education; surgery), to discuss together about both their potentialities and criticalities. We are especially interested in investigating certain issues, e.g. How does the design process take place with XR? Are there specific features of these technologies not to be found in other tools? Are they to be considered either in continuity or discontinuity with respect to other devices? In short, why should we use them in so many areas and what are the outcomes of their proliferation? We will try to propose some possible answers to such questions by experimenting with the XR instruments that specialists use in their work. Finally, we will discuss with them issues of functionality and economic constraints, as well as current and future trends that might help us to envision the next developments in the field.


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15 March 2024

Sala Malliani

Università degli Studi di Milano

Roundtables & Hands-on Sessions
Sala Malliani
Università degli Studi di Milano