book chapter

Images qui se nient elles-mêmes. Vers une an-iconologie

Andrea Pinotti

Oltre la vergogna. Lo sguardo sul corpo tra dispositivi indossabili e realtà virtuale

Federica Cavaletti

La grille comme interface entre le corps et l’espace, du classicisme hollywoodien à la réalité virtuelle

Barbara Grespi

Immersi nelle immagini. Idee per un lemmario visuale contemporaneo

A. Pinotti

Silhouette di mercenari. Lo stile di Team Fortress

E. Modena

The Architectural Relevance of Virtual Reality

Fabrizia Bandi

Riflesso di immersione

Andrea Pinotti

Avatars: Shifting Identities in a Genealogical Perspective

Andrea Pinotti

What Is It Like to Be a Hawk? Inter-specific Empathy in the Age of Immersive Virtual Environments

Andrea Pinotti

book chapter

Images qui se nient elles-mêmes. Vers une an-iconologie

Andrea Pinotti

This text addresses the transformation produced by new immersive technologies in the field of image production and reception: 360° virtual environments are based on a deconstruction of the traditional properties of images (mediality, separativity, and referentiality), and require a new methodological approach, an-iconology, to be adequately understood.

book chapter

Images qui se nient elles-mêmes. Vers une an-iconologie

Andrea Pinotti

This text addresses the transformation produced by new immersive technologies in the field of image production and reception: 360° virtual environments are based on a deconstruction of the traditional properties of images (mediality, separativity, and referentiality), and require a new methodological approach, an-iconology, to be adequately understood.


Transformations de l'image. Les images et l'ethos de l'existence



place of publication

Sesto S. Giovanni

year of publication



A. Pinotti, "Images qui se nient elles-mêmes. Vers une an-iconologie", in S. Gourdain, ed., Transformations de l'image. Les images et l'ethos de l'existence, (Sesto S. Giovanni: Mimèsis, 2020), pp. 419-432.