journal article

Calco mobile. La costruzione del reale nelle produzioni di non-fiction immersiva

Anna Caterina Dalmasso

Performative forms of architecture: from real space to virtual space

Fabrizia Bandi

Testing innovative preparation tools for immersive virtual environments. A case study in the didactics of Art

Federica Cavaletti, Ilaria Terrenghi

Staying Here, Being There. Bilocation, Empathy and Self-Empathy in Virtual Reality

Andrea Pinotti

Making Interaction Accessible: Virtual and Augmented Reality for Eye Contact Training in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Federica Cavaletti

Passing through. Gesture interfaces in virtual reality

Barbara Grespi

Going Virtual – But How? Mapping Virtualities in Contemporary Technoculture

Federica Cavaletti, Filippo Fimiani, Andrea Pinotti

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality New Tools for Art and Politics

Elisabetta Modena, Andrea Pinotti, Sofia Pirandello

Virtual Reality as A Time-Dissolving Machine in Distressing Medical Treatments. Current Perspectives and Future Directions

Federica Cavaletti

journal article

Calco mobile. La costruzione del reale nelle produzioni di non-fiction immersiva

Anna Caterina Dalmasso

While cinema has repeatedly reframed the genre of documentary, moving away from the idea of an adherence to reality, the emerging medium of virtual reality seems to claim a close connection with the notion of “real”.
By examining the expressive form of immersive journalism and the productions of non-fiction virtual reality, this article investigates how virtual environments entail a construction of the real and how this is inseparable from an analysis of the specific position the subject is called to assume within the visible virtual world.

book chapter

Calco mobile. La costruzione del reale nelle produzioni di non-fiction immersiva

Anna Caterina Dalmasso


While cinema has repeatedly reframed the genre of documentary, moving away from the idea of an adherence to reality, the emerging medium of virtual reality seems to claim a close connection with the notion of “real”.
By examining the expressive form of immersive journalism and the productions of non-fiction virtual reality, this article investigates how virtual environments entail a construction of the real and how this is inseparable from an analysis of the specific position the subject is called to assume within the visible virtual world.


PHILM. Rivista di filosofia e cinema


Università degli Studi di Verona Dipartimento di Scienze Umane

place of publication


year of publication



A.C. Dalmasso, "Calco mobile. La costruzione del reale nelle produzioni di non-fiction immersiva," PHILM Rivista di Filosofia e Cinema, no.1 (2022), pp. 111-130.